Friday 29 March 2013

Mario Badescu Acne Treatment Products – Introduction

It can’t be only me that was totally confused by the amount of products Mario Badescu has for Acne. Why are there so many? Which ones do I need? How do I use them and when? All questions I wanted to find the answer to because having used just one product (the drying lotion) with success, I was addicted, and wanted to see if the range of products combined were the miracle I was looking for.

I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, which in some people causes facial hair, others fertility problems, others bad skin, and still others weight problems. For me, its weight problems and bad skin ranging from having clear skin for months to having 4 or 5 major painful cysts on my face and body at any one time. I have tried every ingredient I believe possible other than the serious ones such as Roaccutane. I’ve tried Niacinimide (in things like Freederm), Salicylic Acid (in Proactiv), Benzoyl Peroxide (Oxy 5), Retinoids (Avene triacneal), you get the drift!

Most of the products I’ve tried have done nothing more than dry out my skin and cost me money. I came across a product called “Bye Bye Blemish” whilst watching some beauty You Tube videos and since there was a rave review of it from someone who had also tried many other things, I knew I had to get my hands on it. I promptly ordered it on EBay from the USA and patiently waited for its arrival.

It arrived and as chance would have it, I had an annoying and painful lump on my chin that made me want to cancel my weekend plans. I did as the bottle said and did not shake it but let it settle and then after my evening cleansing routine, I dipped a cotton bud into the bottom of the bottle to get at the pink sediment, and slathered the offending blemish with it.

It took only a minute or so to dry, felt instantly calming and minty, and so far I was happy. There was an ever so slight stinging which gave me comfort that something was happening and I proceeded to bed hoping to wake up with a peachy blemish free face. (Ok, so I wasn’t THAT optimistic but I had high hopes).

I noticed through the night that I did get a faint odour of Sulphur now and then, but I have to admit that I don’t find the smell that offensive. Since I also don’t mind the smell of eggs (which my husband can’t stand), I perhaps shouldn’t be surprised. Anyway, when I woke up, I found that the blemish had definitely reduced in size and I was delighted. Social plans no longer required to be cancelled, I came out of my sulk, and obsessed with putting on the oh so sweet pinkness whenever I could :0)

A few days later I noticed that perhaps I had gone overboard, as my skin was rather red!

Anyway, bye bye blemish, I later found out, is exactly the same as Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, and that led me to notice that Mario Badescu has many different Acne treatments. This is Part 1 of my hopefully useful ramble about the products, and is just an introduction to the name and to give you some hope that there may be some products out there for troubled skin that you haven’t tried.

I will then do a blog post on each individual product detailing what they feel like on the skin, how much they cost, the main ingredients etc (will be a long one!), what effect I have seen if any, any cheaper alternatives, and finally I will do a post “Your personal prescription” which is what I believe would be the best plan for you depending on your particular skin issue.

1st Review – Mario Badescu Silver Powder……

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